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Documentation is a very important & crucial stage in the Procedure for Deemed Conveyance. It requires absolute focus & meticulous handling to ensure that all the required documents are obtained & organized in an appropriate manner.

The Land Revenue Records of recent origin are obtained by making applications to the respective Government Departments like City Survey Office, Tahasildar/ Talathi Office & District Collector Office. The Municipal Corporation Records are obtained by making application to the Building Proposal Department of the Municipal Corporation.

In case it is difficult to obtain the Land Revenue Records & Municipal Corporation Records, the Right to Information (RTI) may be invoked.

The Society Records are obtained from Society Office & the Professional Certificates are obtained from Professionals. Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII along with Synopsis of the Case and List of Society Members are required to be prepared.

During the Documentation Stage, a Legal Notice is to be sent to the Land Owners & Property developers.

The complete set of the above Documents is to be annexed with the Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII & to be filed in a neat & tidy manner. The complete Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII is to submitted to the Competent Authority- The District Deputy Registrar of Co- Operative Societies of the particular District.

माना गया परिवहन - दस्तावेज़ीकरण

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